Change Made in Women’s Destiny along with National Liberation

Liberation of Korea brought about a decisive change to everyone, especially to the Korean women.

The Korean women, who had suffered oppression and restriction of feudal shackles for long, became new ones with beautiful dreams and ideals and masters of a new Korea, turning one of the wheels of the revolution under the care of President Kim Il Sung in the liberated country.

Kim Il Sung wisely led to form a women’s organization first among other working people’s organizations and showed the way the women should go. Thanks to his leadership, the Law on Sex Equality was proclaimed, and as a result, women’s emancipation was translated into a proud reality.

Introducing the changes made in life of the DPRK women after the proclamation of the Law on Sex Equality, Rodong Sinmun dated July 27, 1947 noted that “… 4 488 people were already elected members of the people’s committees at all levels and 24 people were elected to the People’s Assembly. … 13 women judges, 4 women public prosecutors and more than 100 women juries work at judicial organs.”

This was the changes made by the national liberation in the destiny of the women who had been terribly humiliated and oppressed in the past when they had been deprived of their country.