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Story of New Socks

    One day after the liberation, a woman who was living with the anti-Japanese war heroine
Kim Jong Suk asked her unreservedly why she knitted socks every evening.

    It was because that, at first, she thought Kim Jong Suk did knitting to kill her time as President Kim Il Sung always came home late from his work but she soon came to know that her estimate was wrong.

    To her question, Kim Jong Suk answered that she should provide President Kim Il Sung with new socks but the then situation of the country didn’t allow her to do so, the President was always saying they should live as same as the other people who were living hard life as the country was just liberated, so she could not throw away the worn-out socks but unraveled them to knit new ones.

    The woman looked up at Kim Jong Suk as she was deeply impressed.

    Because even a pair of socks to which she used to be indifferent was associated with Kim Jong Suk’s boundlessly noble sincerity and popular traits.