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Ideological and Religious Freedom Provided in DPRK

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea provides the people by law with the rights to choosing and believing in ideology and religion according to their intention.

    Through their practical life, experience and historical process, the Korean people cherished it as their faith and will that the Juche idea is, indeed, the only idea that safeguards and realizes the independence of social man and truly guarantees the human rights and that it is the true life and happiness to advance along the road of Juche. Today they choose and firmly believe the Juche idea for themselves and think and act as required by the Juche idea.

    The international laws and regulations on human rights regulate that the issues of ideology and religion must be settled not by force of state or others but by free intention of individuals. The church and the state are completely separated in the DPRK and all people are fully provided with freedom of religion.

    By law, every citizen is free to choose and believe any religion or religious belief according to his or her intention and worship, hold religious ceremonies and events formally or informally, individually or together with others. It is also free to build religious buildings.

    The DPRK has never forced the people to believe religion or not to believe religion.

    But it is strictly prohibited to drag outside forces or give harmful effect on public order of the state with religion.

    The DPRK has Christian Federation of Korea, Buddhist Federation of Korea, Catholic Association of Korea, Chondoist Association of Korea and Religious Believers Council of Korea. These religious organizations have well-arranged system, church or cathedral, publication and education institution and cooperate and exchange with several other religious ones of the world.