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Comprehensive Development of Socialist Culture

    In the New Year Address, the respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un called to comprehensively develop the socialist culture.

    The respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said.

    “Socialist culture should be developed in a comprehensive way.”

    Last year, scientists and technicians in the DPRK resolved scientific and technological problems arising in the building of a powerful socialist country and completed research projects in the cutting-edge field, thereby giving stimulus to economic development and the improvement of the people's living standards.

    The socialist education system was further improved and the educational environment upgraded, while medical service conditions were bettered in the sector of education and medical service.

    Successes were made in the sector of literature and art. An example of artistic performance activities was created to infuse the whole country with revolutionary optimism and the militant spirit, and sportspeople won victories in different international competitions.

    The New Year Address clarified the major tasks to comprehensively develop socialist culture while consolidating the successes made last year in building the socialist culture.

    In the sector of education, it is necessary to strengthen the ranks of teachers, improve the contents and methods of education as demanded by the trend of developing modern education, and the sector of medical treatment should apply the people-oriented character in public health service in a thoroughgoing way, and boost the production of medical equipment and appliances and different kinds of medicines.

    The sector of sports should conduct mass-based sporting activities briskly, create sporting techniques and tactics of their own style, and the sector of and literature and art should produce artistic and literary masterpieces which truthfully depict the heroic struggle and life of the service personnel and people in the Mallima era and the beautiful and sublime features proper to human beings, so that they can crush the bourgeois reactionary culture by dint of the revolutionary socialist art and literature.

    A vigorous struggle should be waged to tighten moral discipline throughout society, establish a socialist way of life and eliminate all kinds of non-socialist practices, so as to ensure that all the people, possessed of ennobling mental and moral traits, lead a revolutionary and cultured life.

    This year, the Korean people will bring about a great success in developing the socialist culture in a comprehensive way as indicated by the New Year Address, thus making a big stride in hastening the building of a socialist civilized nation.