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DPRK Provides Disabled Persons with the Right to Education

    Providing the disabled persons with the right to education is of weighty significance in making them participate in the social life independently like the healthy persons.

    Disabled persons’ right to education in the DPRK is thoroughly ensured by the “DPRK Law on Protection of Persons with Disabilities” and several other laws.

    In the DPRK, disabled children of preschool age are brought up and educated in nurseries, kindergartens or professional reparative treatment centres so as to make them adapt themselves to the life at schools and the educational organs make a detailed control over the disabled children who reached the age of a primary school to make them receive secondary general compulsory education.

    According to the Law on Protection of Persons with Disabilities, the relevant educational organs, parents and patrons of disabled children are obliged to educate the disabled children at school age and have no right to exclude them from the secondary general compulsory education.

    Smart ones among those who received secondary general education are selected for higher education at colleges and universities.

    The DPRK pays deep attention to establishing and materializing special educational system suited to the features of disabled ones in ensuring their right to education.

    Special class is formed in ordinary schools or special school like the ones for the blind, the deaf and dumb and the ones for intellectual development are established and run in accordance with their physical and mental features and the types of their disabilities. Teaching programs of the schools for the blind, the deaf and dumb are formulated by the central education guidance organ.

    Vocational schools including those for training massager, computer typist and designer are established and operated in the DPRK so as to encourage the participation of disabled persons in social life, develop Braille types and hand languages in a unified way and the Braille books and e-media for disabled persons are developed and utilized proactively.

    In the DPRK the education for disabled persons is free and at the state expense.