Revolutionary is voluntary fig
Revolutionary belief, unshakable will and optimism towards the future constitute ideological and moral qualities of a revolutionary who struggles for noble ideal and justice. It is impossible for one to be a revolutionary and be called a revolutionary apart from belief, will and optimism.
President Kim Il Sung said.
“It may be said that revolutionary belief, will and optimism constitute the t
Revolutionary belief is the first and foremost of the t
In general, belief is ideological consciousness that is combined by firm confidence in the already acquired idea or view and ardent aspiration for materializing the idea or view to the letter. Revolutionary belief is noble spirit in which confidence in justness of the revolutionary cause, led by the leader, and necessities of victory in the cause are combined with steadfast resolution to struggle to the end for victory in the revolution.
As said by Chairman Kim Jong Il, revolutionary belief is a revolutionary’s firm will to invariably cover the road of revolution chosen once and principle and lofty conscience remaining unchanged in any adversity.
Revolutionary belief is the ideological source that enables a revolutionary to brave through all difficulties and trials with indomitable fighting spirit no matter how severe they may be, the fundamental that turns the unfavourable into the favourable and misfortune into blessings and the ideological guarantee that enables to work out revolutionary tactics.
In the early period the President said that profound knowledge can be the genuine creative power of developing the new only when the former is supported by revolutionary belief.
Holding fast to one’s revolutionary belief till the last moment of one’s life while remaining unchanged in any adversity is ideological and mental quality of revolutionaries and one of important factors deciding value of revolutionary’s life.
Belief, will and optimism that constitute the special qualities and ideological and moral qualities of a revolutionary are united as one.
Belief enables one to display indomitable will and the latter enables one to cherish the former invariably.
One is unable to have revolutionary belief and will if he has no optimism towards the future.
A revolutionary cherishes noble ideal toward the future and makes strenuous efforts to attain it by devoting his all. Revolutionary belief and will become stronger when they are based on optimism towards the future, and are firmly held fast to until the final victory of the revolution is ac
It is the most important requirement for becoming a revolutionary to cherish revolutionary belief.
It may be said that only the man whose revolutionary belief remains unchanged in any case of revolutionary struggle can add brilliance to his life and become a true revolutionary.