The multi-part feature film “The Nation and Destiny” created as a monumental masterpiece thanks to the energetic leadership of leader Kim Jong Il, is the one to be proud of before the world.
Leader Kim Jong Il gave energetic and detailed guidance ranging from the issue of making a new and significant seed to the selection of theme song and creation of artistic images so as to complete the film as a masterpiece of huge scale and implications covering the destiny of the whole nation and a full century.
The film consistently shows the characters and lives of diverse persons of different tenors of life in relation with the destiny of nation and gives philosophic elucidation of the issue of the destiny of nation.
The core of the film is the issue of the nation and destiny, that is, destiny of nation is precisely that of an individual.
The multi-part feature film “The Nation and Destiny” is the concentrated expression of soul, spirit and fragrance of Korea.