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What Is the Principle in Organizing Local Power Organ and Its Activity?

    The local power organ in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the state organ exercising sovereignty in locality.

    A local people’s assembly and a local people’s committee are affiliated with the local power organ. They are organized with province(municipality), a city(district) and county as the units, composed of the representatives elected by the citizens in a locality and defend and protect rights and interests of the working people.

    As a people’s representation system in locality, a local people’s assembly holds a central position and plays leading role that exercises direct sovereignty in a relevant locality.

    A local people’s assembly is elected by secret vote on the principle of universal, equal and direct suffrage and is composed of the representatives of the working people including the workers, farmers, intellectuals etc. living in relevant locality with a right to vote and devotedly working for the people.

    Its main form of activity is an assembly. The assembly discusses and decides collectively the issues falling within its authority and duty. It holds a regular assembly and a provisional assembly.

    A local people’s committee is the local power organ during the recess of the people’s assembly and an administrative executive organ of relevant local power.

    As the performer of the state policies in relevant locality and the master responsible for the livelihood of the people, it has the duty and authority of convening the people assembly, executes the laws and decrees, decisions and directives of state and guides all the administrative undertakings in a relevant locality.

    It issues decisions and directives, takes responsibility before the relevant people’s assembly for its works and is obedient to a higher people’s committee and the Cabinet.

    A local people’s assembly and a local people’s committee embody the principle of democratic centralism in all activities.