The right to rest is one of important laws along with the right to work and it is thoroughly secured by law in the DPRK.
The DPRK socialist labor law legalizes the workers’ right to rest and stipulates various forms and modes of securing the right to rest.
The DPRK provides the working people with rest on holidays instituted by the state and Sundays and with regular and supplementary holidays.
After a working day the working people has the right to rest.
Organs and enterprises strictly observe working hours and are legally obliged to provide with rest after working hours. They can not arbitrarily advance or slow the working hours and make the working people work overtime without any proper reasons.
The working people are legally provided with one-day regular rest in a week and with rest on holidays.
It is a principle for general sectors to have rest on Sunday every week. The particular sectors including public service set other week day as a holiday instead of Sunday to be provided with rest in a week according to work teams or individuals. In case organs and enterprises make employees work on a rest day of a week with some compelling reason, the employees are provided with compensatory day off within the week. All working people have rest on holidays instituted by the state.
All working people are provided with 14-day regular rest, which includes Sundays in one year.
Those who work at such difficult and heavy sectors as the heat-affected and harmful ones are provided with additional holiday for 7-21 days. The state pays 100% of monthly salary to the working people during their holiday leave.
Women working people are provided with paid maternity leave except regular and additional holiday irrespective of their service years and receive 100 % of their salary as subsidy during their maternity leave.
The DPRK also provides the working people wit
Thanks to the right to rest, the working people recover satisfactorily the energy consumed during their labour, which makes them not only participate in labour life wit