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WPK’s Line of Promoting the Two Fronts Simultaneously

    The Workers’ Party of Korea put forward the line of simultaneously carrying out the building-up of the economy and nuclear forces in the plenary meeting of its Central Committee in March 2013.

    The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

    “By carrying out the Party’s line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously, the defense industry sector should step up the efforts to make the munitions production Juche-oriented, modern and scientific and proactively develop and perfect powerful cutting-edge military hardware of our own style.”

    First of all, the WPK’s line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously is a strategic line to firmly maintain consistently, proceeding from the top interest of the Korean revolution.

    Revolution is a struggle to safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of a country. Sovereignty is a life and soul of a country and nation and there is nothing more vital demand than safeguarding it.

    A country and nation that loses their independent dignity is nothing better than a slave. Even if we lay down our lives, we must safeguard the sovereignty and dignity in any conditions. To safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of nation is the top interest of the revolution.

    As imperialism remains on the earth and moreover the US imperialists run wild with the nuclear weapons, the only way to safeguard the destiny and dignity of the nation from their nuclear threat is to strengthen the nuclear deterrent power of its own.

    We must counter the nuclear weapons with the nuclear weapons.

    There have been many wars, big or small, in the world after the rise of the nuclear weapon but no nuclear states have been under military strike. This proves that no aggressors dare to invade a country that has nuclear weapons. The sovereignty and dignity, peace and prosperity of a country and nation are guaranteed only by the powerful nuclear force.

    The WPK’s new line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously is a strategic line to consistently maintain under the situation in which the imperialists’ nuclear threat and arbitrariness continue.

    Korea has invincible war deterrent power—the invincible nuclear force. The Korean people strengthened their nuclear deterrent power, with belts tightened, in order to safeguard the national sovereignty and right to existence from the nuclear war threat of the US imperialists. Korea with invincible self-defensive nuclear deterrent is not moved before even tens of millions of invaders.

    Secondly, the WPK’s line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously is the just line which enables the people to enjoy the socialist benefits by the help of a nuclear giant.

    Today the building of economic giant and socialist powerful nation is inconceivable for the Korean people, apart from the strengthening of the nuclear force.

    To make the people live their happy lives without anything to envy and without belts tightened was the desires of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and it is the starting point of the WPK’s activities. Firm is the WPK’s decision to make the people who constantly followed the Party through all trials lead happy and affluent life under the benefit of Songun.

    The WPK’s new line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously is an almighty weapon to accelerate the building of the economic giant and improve the people’s livelihood. The struggle for building the economy and improving the people’s livelihood can be successful only when it is guaranteed by a strong military strength and nuclear deterrent.

    The time when US imperialists put the brake on the building of economy and the improvement of the people’s livelihood by threatening Korea with nuclear was gone once and for all. The advantages of the new line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously lies in that it enables the Korean people to concentrate on the economic building and the improvement of the people’s livelihood by considerably strengthening the war deterrent and the defense capabilities without increasing additional defense expenditures.

    Recently, several sectors of the national economy witnessed many production upsurges, the construction was ushered in the heyday and many incredible changes took place in the cultural sectors including education and sports.

    All the victories and precious successes made in the DPRK under the wise leadership of the great Party proves in reality that she can concentrate on the struggle for the building of the economic giant and the improvement of the people’s livelihood if her own nuclear deterrent is strong, even though the imperialists and reactionaries’ frantic maneuvers got worse.

    The WPK’s line of promoting the two fronts simultaneously is the eternal banner of victory of the Songun revolution.