Labour life suiting to the nature of man is the one that reflects man’s independent demands and enables him to give fullest play to his creative ability.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“Work occupies an important position in the social life of the people.”
Labour is the people’s purposeful and conscious physical and mental activity for creating material and cultural wealth.
Labour occupies an important position in the people’s social life as it is a powerful mean that creates material basis of social life and propels the development of society and man.
Since long ago, the working masses have desired for shaping out their destiny and translating happy life into reality through labour. However, genuine labour life could not be provided to the popular masses in the capitalist society where man is regarded as the object of exploitation and the producer of surplus value.
In capitalist society where state power and means of production are in the hands of minority exploiting class, the working people’s labour life becomes the employed labour life in which they have to sell their labour force to the exploiters for gaining minimum living materials needed for existence as they fail to hold due social position even though they play a decisive role in creating material wealth.
The popular masses’ demand for independent and creative labour life can be truly materialized only in the socialist society in which they become the masters of state and society.
From the intrinsic requirement of the DPRK’s socialist system in which the working masses are the masters of everything and everything serves them, the Party and the state provide them with independent and creative labour life.
The Party and the state formulate correct labour policy to provide the working people with substantial right to labour. In the DPRK, all the working people don’t know the word unemployment but are provided with stable jobs according to their abilities and talents.
The Party and the state dynamically promote the technical revolution while holding fast to it as an important task to improve their working conditions to put the production processes on the modern, information, and scientific bases. As a result, all the working people are working c
Indeed, the Korean style socialism is the superior social system whic