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Fundamental Principle of Building People’s Government

    The Juche idea clarifies scientifically the fundamental principle of building the people’s government centring on the popular masses on the basis of the profound analysis on their position and role in the government-building and activities.

    Chairman Kim Jong Il said.

    “It is a fundamental principle in building the people’s government that the masses must be empowered as the masters of the government and the government be made to it serve them.”

    The fundamental principle of the Juche-oriented people’s government-building considers the working masses of the people as the genuine masters of the government.

    This means enabling the popular masses to exercise practically the right befitting the genuine masters of the government, the performers of politics and to fulfill responsibility and role as such.

    Only when the popular masses become masters of the government, can they deal with all problems in exercising the sovereignty including institution and execution of laws in conformity with their independent desire and interest.

    The fundamental principle of the Juche-oriented people’s government-building enables the people’s government to serve the working masses, its masters.

    This means submitting all activities of the people’s government to the work of providing the people with genuine freedom and rights, abundant and civilized life.

    The people’s government organs should serve the working masses. Only then, can they serve not as a ruling institution dominating and controlling the people but as a servant institution that defends and ensures the people’s interest. Only then, can the officials in the people’s government organs become genuine servants of the people.

    The fundamental principle of the Juche-oriented people’s government-building was applied brilliantly in the DPRK, where all the people are now leading the independent and creative life to their hearts’ contents as true masters of the state and society.

    Actively participating in the election of the government organs, they choose their representatives and, through them, fulfill the responsibility and role as masters in the state management.

    The government organ officials regard the people’s desire and interest as the absolute criterion of all activities and work devotedly for the people as the true servants keeping in mind the WPK’s lofty ideal of prioritizing, respecting and loving the people.

    The fundamental principle of the Juche-oriented people’s government-building enables the government to fulfill its mission and role as a servant of the people, regarding them as the masters of the government.