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Main Spirit of Militant Slogan to be Held Fast to by the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean People This Year

    Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un said.

     “‘Let us usher in a golden age in building a thriving nation in this year when the Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea is to be held!’–this is the militant slogan our Party and people should uphold as they advance.”

     The main spirit of a militant slogan to be held fast to by the WPK and the Korean people is, first of all, to give fuller play to the prestige and dignity as the Juche-oriented revolutionary Party by further cementing and developing the WPK into the Party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and increasing its leadership role.

     The WPK is the Party of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il authorized and dignified with the ideas and august names of the great leaders.

     That the WPK has been strengthened and developed into the Juche-oriented revolutionary Party under the distinguished leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the founder of the glorious WPK, and Chairman Kim Jong Il, the eternal General Secretary of the Party is the incomparable greatest victory.

     In the struggle for carrying on the revolutionary cause of Juche, the WPK has been built into the Party of the leader in which the uniqueness and inheritance of the leader’s ideology and leadership has been firmly established, an invincible Party that serves the people and formed a harmonious whole with the popular masses, and the revolutionary Party that leads the revolution and construction to victory with the leadership method of Juche. By carving out a new road of building a revolutionary party in the era of independence and immensely increasing the Party’s leadership and fighting efficiency, the WPK could have invariably maintained its revolutionary nature even in the adverse wind of ideological degeneration and frustration of the ruling parties in the socialist countries and brought about immense social changed by skillfully organizing and leading the revolution and construction.

     The greatest glory and invincibility of the WPK lie in holding President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal leaders and invariably maintaining and thoroughly strengthening the revolutionary character of the Party of the Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

     The militant slogan to be held fast by the WPK and the Korean people this year incorporates the spirit to give fuller play through the 7th Congress of the WPK to its dignity as the Juche-based revolutionary Party that leads the revolution and construction to victory in the leadership method of the great leaders by holding fast to the ideas and exploits of the great leaders as the lifeline of the Party building and activities forever.

     Next, the main spirit of the militant slogan to be held fast to by the WPK and the Korean people is that an unprecedented upsurge should be brought about in the building of a socialist thriving nation true to the leadership of the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.

     The period since the beginning of a new millennium of Juche to today is a proud chronicle in which a fierce flames of revolutionary upsurge has been blazed up and the unprecedented national-historic great victories and epoch-making turns have been adorned under the seasoned leadership of Kim Jong Un. Seeds of prosperity sown by the great leaders in their lifetime have been come into full bloom and the great victory and successes made in the tempest of Songun revolution have been further consolidated with the result that precious experience and reliable basis for hastening the final victory in the building of a thriving nation have been firmly provided.

     It is a firm resolution and will of the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un to usher in an unprecedented great heyday of revolution by giving fullest play to the inexhaustible strength built in the historic advance of building a prosperous nation.

     The military slogan to be held fast to by the WPK and the Korean people contains the spirit of hastening final victory of the Korean revolution by ceaselessly creating brilliant speed of leap and legendary heroic myths that can be unfolded only in the DPRK true to the Kim Jong Un’s plan of building a thriving nation.

     The WPK and the Korean people will add glory to this year when the 7th Congress of the WPK is to be held holding a peerless leader in the highest position as the greatest heyday of the revolution to be remarkably recorded in the history of the WPK and thus give full play to the invincible grandeur of heroic Korea.