The DPRK is successfully ensuring and protecting human rights of women, children and those with disabilities, which is raised as a big social problem in the world.
The Korean women are regarded as powerful social force that hold social position on equal terms with men and turn one of w
In the land of respecting women, the Korean women of all strata lead worthwhile life as deputies to the Supreme People’s Assembly, professors and doctors, and work, live and receive good medical treatment in the places equipped wit
There are children’s palaces and children’s camps in all parts of the DPRK which regards children as the king, and orphans also lead a happy life without sorrow of being orphans at baby homes, orphanages, primary and middle schools for orphans.
Those with disabilities also enjoy the same rights as ordinary ones under the concern of the state. They are provided with vocational education for the disabled, education for disabled children and rational living conditions.
Thanks to the policy of protecting the people with disabilities in the DPRK’s socialist system, they display their talents to their hearts’ contents while making active artistic and sports activities.
The DPRK is, indeed, the most superior society that ensures the human rights in the best way.