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The Greatest Achievement Made for 75 Years

Single-hearted unity is the greatest achievement made for 75 years by the Workers’ Party of Korea and a precious victory which cannot be compared with fabulous wealth.
Single-hearted unity with the people who call the Party their mother and the Party whose mode of existence is to make selfless, devoted efforts for them is the most solid unity that cannot be broken by anything.
The single-hearted unity was not achieved in a day.
It has been achieved by the WPK’s ceaseless and protracted struggle to achieve the unity of genuine morality and obligation, the unity of intention and sentiment by uniting millions of people under the red flag of the Party on which hammer, sickle and brush are inscribed.
The WPK has been victorious and glorious with the single-hearted unity and advanced continuously with the single-hearted unity.
Therefore, the WPK is extremely proud of the great single-hearted unity among those it achieved for 75 years for the country, the revolution and the people.
Today the Korean people unite firmly around Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and actively make progress for a new victory.
The DPRK will achieve only victory as it has the single-hearted unity forever.