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DPRK People’s Loyalty to the Party

They are so simpleminded and common in usual days. However, they struggle resolutely to defend authority of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
The Korean people’s loyalty, that gives infinite strength and courage to the WPK whenever they are faced with severe trials, is pure, indeed.
Effort made by the Party for the people is devotional as days go by, and the people’s loyalty to the Party becomes more ardent.
Only in 2020 the WPK held the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and other important meetings to discuss and decide the issues of ensuring the people’s life and security and improving their livelihood as important items. The WPK’s love for the people further strengthens their faith to follow the Party for ever.
The WPK is strong and the DPRK is invincible as there is strength, the harmonious whole between the great Party and the people.