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Essential Features of DPRK’s Socialist Politics

    Socialist politics is genuine popular politics fundamentally different from the capitalist politics that defends interests of capitalist class and a tiny handful of exploiter and privileged class and serve the domination and exploitation of the popular masses.

    Chairman Kim Jong Il said.

    “Socialist politics is popular politics exercised by the people as its masters.”

    The DPRK socialist politics enables the popular masses to hold position as masters of the state and society and play role as such.

    Contrary to politics of all exploiter classes that provide conditions for exploitation and oppression of the popular masses, maintain and keep their political position and dominant position, the fundamental purpose of the socialist politics is to provide the popular masses, freed from national and class subordination and oppression, with conditions for independent and creative life so they can lead fully their independent rights as masters of the society and fulfil their creative role as the masters.

    This implies the DPRK’s socialist politics is the politics for the popular masses that is enforced in direction of serving them.

    The socialist politics enable the popular masses to hold position as masters of the state and society and play role as such. It finds expression in the fact that the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state put it forward as the supreme principle of their activities to strive for the improvement of the popular masses’ well-being and subordinate all their activities to providing them with genuine freedom and rights, affluent and cultured life. It is also expressed in the fact that it enables the popular masses to participate in administration of the state and the society as the masters and fulfil their role as the masters of politics.

    The DPRK’s socialist politics is also based on solid politico-ideological unity of the whole society.

    Whether or not all members of society are united politically and ideologically is an important criterion that characterizes superiority of politics. Politics is enforced efficiently in keeping with common interests of society when the society is united as one, but it becomes the politics of domination and oppression for interests of privileged class when the society is divided.

    Socialist politics is fundamentally different from previous ones in its mass foundation.

    Socialist politics is based on the most extensive and solid mass foundation where all members of society are united as one.

    Unlike in exploiter society, there exists no class antagonism in the DPRK’s socialist society, all people are equal politically and their political interests are the same.

    In the DPRK’s socialism the entire people are firmly united behind the Party and the leader based on organizational and ideological foundations and moral obligation thus forming a socio-political organism.

    Nothing can destroy political foundations of the socialist politics in the DPRK in which all members of the society are united behind the Party and the leader in ideology, purpose, organizational basis and moral obligation.

    The DPRK’s socialist politics is also realized through the political system and methods suited to the popular masses’ will and interests under the monolithic leadership of the leader.

    Working-class leader, the top representative of the popular masses’ will and interests, is supreme leader of socialist politics, party makes guidance over politics of state political power as a leadership political organization of the party, and state political power applies and executes the party policies as the most comprehensive political organization. Socialist politics under which people are masters is, after all, the politics of the leader, the politics of working-class party and state which are under the monolithic leadership of the leader, and the politics that serve the popular masses in name and reality.

    The DPRK’s socialist politics is enforced under the monolithic leadership of the leader, and it is based on love for and trust in the masses and realized by the integral system of modes and methods of politics to apply them, thus enabling the masses to hold the position as masters of the state and society and play the role as such.