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Tasks for Launching Dynamic Struggle to Increase Production, Practise Economy and Improve Quality of Products

    The 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea put it forward as an important task arising in the current offensive for making a frontal breakthrough to launch a dynamic struggle to increase production, practise economy and improve the quality of products.

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said.

    “Every sector and every unit of the national economy should enlist their own technical forces and economic potential to the maximum and launch a dynamic struggle to increase production and practise economy, so as to create a greater amount of material wealth.”

    The current offensive for making a frontal breakthrough is a gigantic, patriotic struggle to be waged by the high-pitched enthusiasm and creative efforts of millions of the working people.

    If all sectors, units and citizens in the DPRK make efforts to increase production and practise economy to the maximum so as to create more of their own things and save them as much as possible, they can foil the enemies’ sanctions and stifling and open a new avenue for socialist construction.

    The hostile forces that are not willing to see the DPRK well-off are now tenaciously resorting to sanctions and blockade against the latter. However, the DPRK people launch a dynamic struggle to increase production, practise economy and improve the quality of products to break through barriers to the advance of socialist construction, even though everything is in short and difficult.

    Noting that the models to be followed in the present era are the patriotic working people who regard the spirit of economy as part of their mental qualities, the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the WPK indicated the important issues arising in launching a dynamic struggle to increase production, practise economy and improve the quality of products.

    The important in launching a dynamic struggle to increase production, practise economy and improve the quality of products is to raise a wind of emulation drive for tapping reserves and further increasing production and practising economy in keeping with actual conditions of one’s own sectors and units.

    It is an important principle to be adhered to in the socialist economic construction to create more by saving everything and tapping reserves as many as possible.

    Many problems can be solved in activating production if the latent reserves are tapped and the dynamic efforts are made to practice economy.

    It is as economic and efficient as the production to tap and mobilize latent reserves as many as possible in all sectors and units.

    It is important to raise a wind of emulation drive for tapping reserves and further increasing production and practising economy in keeping with actual condition in one’s own sectors and units. It is necessary to unfold an extensive technical innovation movement in all sectors of national economy, with the main stress on the decrease of consumption of electricity. Vigorous campaign for economical use of electricity should be launched throughout society so as to unfold a mass campaign for economical use of electricity across the country.

    All factories should be built into the land-, labour-, cost- and energy-saving ones and the production processes be put on an automated and stream-line basis by holding fast to science and technology. Advanced farming techniques including the water-saving farming method should be extensively introduced in the field of agriculture, and the farm machine factories should manufacture many labour-saving machines, the machines capable of increasing efficiency of work so as to bring about a leaping development in agricultural production.

    Principle of building structures in which aesthetic beauty and convenience are ensured with less funds should be thoroughly applied in architectural design. It is important to actively encourage collection and recycling including the procurement of idle materials so as to make recycling an important motive force of economic development.

    It is also important in launching a dynamic struggle to increase production, practise economy and improve the quality of products to make all sectors and all units improve the quality of their products and creations on the principle of giving priority to quality over quantity.

    Raising quality is precisely an increased production and economy. It is a shortsighted attitude backward in developing times to disregard quality of products while putting the accent on the quantitative growth. All sectors and units should properly carry on the economic work on the principle of giving priority to quality over quantity to give precedence to the plan of raising quality in planning and implementing the national economy, properly apply reward and punishment according to a qualitative index and establish a habit of giving priority to quality over quantity and speed in all emulations.

    If all sectors and all units make efforts to increase production and practise economy to the maximum so as to create more of the treasure of the country true to the tasks set forth by the WPK, the DPRK’s economy will remain unperturbed in any sanction and economic upheaval.