President Kim Il Sung said.
“The standard of human rights which is approved by the people is just.”
In every country people demand human rights and realize human rights and people judge and appreciate whether human rights practices are good or bad.
Standard that reflects people’s demand and aspiration for human rights and realizes them is the standard of human rights. The standard of human rights which is approved by the people is just.
It is because human rights are the independent rights to be exercised by the people in all fields of social life including politics and economy, ideology and culture.
There are many countries and nations in the world. Not only the socio-political system but also history, customs and development level of economy and culture are different according to the countries and nations. Under such conditions, standard of human rights must be set in line with concrete situation of each country and aspiration and demands of its people.
There is no and cannot be the standard of human rights that suit to all countries in the world.
That each country makes activities with its own standard of human rights reflecting the demands of its people and its concrete situation is not contradictory to the international providing of human rights. The standards of human rights stipulated in the international human rights law have value only when they agree with concrete conditions in each country and demands of its people.
Based on the human rights policy that reflects correctly the demands of its people and actual conditions, the DPRK provides all members of the society equally and fully with all rights of social beings, including the rights to work, rest, education and medical care as well as political freedom and rights.
The western “standard of human rights”, in which the imperialist thinking and view of looking down upon others and oppressing them and the view of value based on jungle law and mammonism are applied, cannot be applied in the DPRK and it can never be tolerated, if it is used for political purpose or put forward as a prerequisite to the development of relations with the Republic.