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Tasks to Increase Politico-ideological Strength of Socialist Korea in Every Way Possible

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said in New Year Address for 2019 that it is important to increase the politico-ideological strength of socialist Korea in every way possible.

    In order to increase the politico-ideological strength of socialist Korea in every way possible, it is necessary to unite the broad sections of the masses solidly around the Party by thoroughly applying the Juche-oriented view on the people, a people-oriented philosophy, in Party and state activities.

    Party and government organs and working people’s organizations should give top and absolute priority to the people’s interests whatever they plan and whatever they conduct; they should lend an ear to their sincere opinions, prioritize their wants and anything beneficial to them, and strive to translate them into reality without any conditions attached. Anywhere, anytime and under any circumstances, they should make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people, direct primary attention to their livelihood, and ensure that everybody benefits from the politics of affection and trust, the one of embracing and taking care of them all. They should intensify the struggle to eradicate both serious and trivial instances of abuse of power, bureaucratism and corruption, which would wreak havoc on the harmonious whole of the Party and the masses and undermine the socialist system.

    In order to increase the politico-ideological strength of socialist Korea in every way possible, it is necessary for Party members and all other working people to cherish the principle of our state first as an element of their faith and step up socialist economic construction in their own way however the situation and circumstances may change. They should glorify the country’s great history by working with sincere devotion and a patriotic desire for developing their homeland by their own efforts before the eyes of the world, the precious land of socialism which they have defended from generation to generation.