Scientific and technical education is the education that provides the students with full understanding of the advanced scientific and technical successes made by the mankind and develops their ability to apply them.
It is divided into general education and specialized education. General education is given in the stage of general primary and secondary education and it includes the education of general elementary knowledge of the general concept and essence of matters and phenomena and the lawfulness of their change and development, and the basic technical education giving understanding of basic principle of production and technology and enabling the students to master more than one technique. Specialized education is given in the stage of higher education and it includes the education for the training of technicians and experts of natural and social sciences.
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the educational curriculum of general secondary education is constantly improved in order to train the new generation into comprehensively-developed revolutionary intellectuals, objectives in education are set high in accordance with the demand of the development of the times and revolution and the subjects are properly composed to attain the objects.
The sector of higher education scientifically compiles and constantly improves the educational contents in accordance with the objects of training intellectuals and utilizes, synthesizes and modernizes them. Irrespective of whether it is basic or specializing subject, all subjects are composed of the contents with the practical ones required by the realities and capable of utilizing them in society, and the basic contents are brought closer to the specializing ones so as to constantly improve them with up-to-date scientific and technical successes.