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Excitement of Foreign Woman

One January day in 1962 President Kim Il Sung gave field guidance to the then Pyongyang Silk Mill. The President saw that a weekly nursery of the mill was newly instituted so that working women worked harder without worrying anything while bring up their children well, and personally fixed the scale of the nursery. Later, clean and well-arranged nursery and kindergarten were newly built.

At present the nursery and kindergarten have been refurbished and children fond of them better than their homes and spend joyful time to their heart’s content. Mothers in the mill are very pleased to see their children full of happiness. Appearance of the mothers seems as if they were enjoying all the blessings in the world.

Seeing such scene of happiness once, a Japanese woman expressed her excitement as follows.

“It is surprising that the mill has a nursery and kindergarten. In Japan, working is hard for women with babies. It costs too much to leave children to the care of nursery and thus the Japanese women are unable to do work and are afraid of giving birth to children. But the leader of a country paid particular attention to the building of the mill nursery. How happy the children and their mothers in the DPRK are. I envy them.”