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Group of Mothers Imprinted in History

From earlier ages, it has been told that a woman is weak but mother is strong.

Such saying should be coined to praise devotion of mothers who devote their all to their children.

However, mothers in the DPRK devote their all not only to their children but to the country.

They gave birth to many children and bring them up in the days of insufficiency and difficulties and do all sorts of troublesome work to take care of their husbands and parents-in-law. But, with such great worries and work, they are taking full responsibility for a post of the revolution, a part of socialist construction like men, and cultivating the freshness and beauty of society with their thoughtfulness and kindness.

At the 5th National Conference of Mothers held in December 2023, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that clearly imprinted in those trying days and months is the group of righteous and strong mothers who have overcome hardships, regarding all pains for the country and their children as pleasure, in order to be always upright before them.