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Vigorous and Practical Efforts Made in Sector of Coal Industry

True to the decision adopted at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, officials and workers in the sector of the coal industry mapped out a scientific plan for increasing coal production and they are now putting it into practice.

The Ministry of Coal Industry takes detailed practical measures to increase coal production and extend capacity of coal mines by giving definite priority to prospecting and heading and by raising mechanization rate of underground work.

Those of the Kaechon Area Coal-mining Complex vigorously wage a drive for increased production.

The complex makes coal prospecting companies and coal mines pay attention to adjustment and reinforcement of prospecting and heading equipment, extensive introducing of modern ways and means and prospecting of areas with rich deposits of coal.

The Anju Area Coal-mining Complex plans to repair as many coal wagons, trams and pumps as possible and produce and supply parts and materials in need on their own by activating coal-mining machine repair factories and maintenance shops and makes sure that the plan is carried out without fail.

Those of the Pukchang Area Youth Coal-mining Complex are also active.

Its officials grasp in detail entangled knots and take proper measures on the spot to solve them so that the workers can increase production with their enhanced zeal.

Its coal miners tenaciously repair and maintain mining equipment, actively introduce advanced coal mining and heading methods and carry out their daily coal production plan without delay.