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DPRK’s Childcare Policy Proved through Law

The DPRK Law for Childcare is an excellent socialist law that regards children as a king of the country and provides every condition to bring them up to pillars for the future. The law was adopted at the 6th session meeting of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK held in February 2022.

The newly adopted law legalizes the WPK’s love for the children.

The state establishes a well-organized system of producing and supplying children’s nutritious food, regularly supplies all children with nutritious food including dairy products free of charge and provides the best condition for childcare.

Every word of this article moves the people.

In the world there are many children who eat dairy products with joy. But the DPRK children are happy because they eat dairy products supplied equally by the state free of charge.

Providing the children with dairy products is regarded as a matter of top and absolute priority among all other important affairs in the DPRK which is now under a gigantic operation for a fresh victory in the building of socialism unfolded by the WPK.