The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.
“The most powerful weapon for a party that is waging a revolution shouldering the people’s destiny—in fact its one and only weapon—is ideology.”
It is the firm will of the Workers’ Party of Korea to win a greater victory in the Korean revolution by holding fast to ideology, the most powerful weapon, one and only weapon.
Ideology is a powerful weapon, the one and only weapon for a party that is waging a revolution. It is because it controls and commands the people’s behaviours and because the more vibrantly the ideological front seethes, the more fully the mental strength of the masses will be demonstrated and the faster the revolution will advance.
Whenever he had an opportunity, Kim Jong Un stresses that the WPK should channel efforts into the ideological work so as to train the people into those strong in ideology, and devotes his all for its end.
The Korean revolution that advances on the strength of ideology will win one victory after another.