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A public procession took place at the Kim Il Sung Square in the presence of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in celebration of the 40th founding anniversary of the DPRK on September 9, 1988.
That day many foreign guests from various countries in the world saw the civil demonstration.
When the letters Single-Hearted Unity were appeared on the floor of the square, a head of the delegation from one country asked the Chairman what the letters meant.
The Chairman gave plain explanation of their meaning and said that the single-hearted unity reflects the trait and spirit of the DPRK.
The head of the delegation repeated with admiration and envy the words, the picture of the DPRK and the single-hearted unity.
After the event the Chairman said about it to the creators in the sector of literature and arts.
The creators created a song on the basis of the Chairman’s account. Listening to the song created by them, the Chairman said that it was a good song. Later whenever he listened to the song, he said that it reflected the DPRK people’s iron will to defend socialism and consummate with sure the revolutionary cause of Juche, on the strength of the single-hearted unity.