The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said in his report made at the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea that self-reliance in the new five-year plan period of the national economic development should be developed into nationwide, planned and scientific self-reliance.
Self-reliance in the new five-year plan period should be developed into nationwide self-reliance.
The main in self-reliance and self-sufficiency is to scrupulously revitalize the economy on a nationwide scale and maximize the production and supply of locally available goods necessary for the people’s livelihood. The spirit and fighting trait of self-reliance of the popular masses who are the master of production and administration should be directed to producing by relying on one’s own raw materials and technology, ensuring unified guidance of the state over the economic work, strengthening the national system of unified statistics and boosting the mainstay of the national economy. Only when all the strength, technology and resources of the country is appropriated to ensure unified guidance over the overall economic work and prioritize the prestige and interests of the state, can the economy be developed in a balanced way and revitalized.
Self-reliance in the new five-year plan period should be developed into planned self-reliance.
Targets and order of nationwide self-reliance must be set correctly so as to prevent the waste of time and labour, materials and fund, and produce optimization and best effectiveness in the economic construction.
It is important to set it as the target of self-reliance, as indicated by the Eighth Congress of the WPK, to develop the metallurgical and chemical industry, which form the lifeline of the national economy and are of big significance in the overall economic development and the improvement of people’s standard of living, into those of Juche-based industry which relies on one’s own raw materials and to strengthen the independent character in the sectors of key industry. Targets and order of priority of self-reliance including in sectors like agriculture, light industry, transport and construction must be planned accurately and implement them successfully by concentrating the manpower and material resources on one’s wisdom and strength. Only then, is it possible to bring valuable fruition of self-reliance in short period.
Self-reliance in the new five-year plan period should be developed into scientific self-reliance.
Science and technology is the engine of socialist construction and major driving force for development of the national economy.
Self-reliance based on science and technology can be the powerful and reliable motive force for economic development.
It is necessary to develop by dint of one’s strength and wisdom the cutting-edge science and technology, which actively promotes the strengthening of the lifeline and integrity of the country’s economy, improving its economic management and the normalization of production, renovation and local provision of raw and other materials.
The Korean people, who are keenly aware that big-power worship and dependence on foreign forces is the way to slavery and national ruin, will brave the difficulties on the strength of nationwide, planned and scientific self-reliance and vigorously advance towards the fresh victory.