The Korean officials who work under the great trust and love of the Party and the leader serve the people only, without slig
Leader Kim Jong Il set noble examples to provide this reality.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“We should see to it that all our officials fight with devotion for the people, sharing life and death with them, and that they have the popular character of being simple, modest, fair and upright.”
One spring day, leader Kim Jong Il visited an institution for an urgent reason.
He waited in queue and got himself registered at reception desk and entered the c
The c
With bright smile, Kim Jong Il let him at ease and had a talk on a humble wooden chair.
While they were talking, a telephone began to ring.
Feeling awkward, he set the phone handset on the table to stop ringing, saying “it’s a busy place…”
At this, Kim Jong Il softly said that it might be urgent phone call and if he didn’t answer, the other side might be regrettable. And he lifted the handset and handed it over to the c
On that day, Kim Jong Il gave programmatic instructions for the implementation of the Party’s policy for a long time.
After the talk, he went outside and said goodbye to the c
But his car slowed down and stopped soon unexpectedly. The guard didn’t open the check-bar, without knowing that Kim Jong Il was in the car.
When the c
Kim Jong Il laughed, saying that the guard did his duty well.
Kim Jong Il who has such boundless modesty and popular character does not tolerate any “privilege” and set examples of living just like the people and helped the other officials to live like that.
Kim Jong Il always says that if the cadres have privilege, it is to know the instructions of PresidentKim Il Sung and Party’s policy before other people and to work more and study more.
One year, Kim Jong Il explained the forms of expression of wielding power and said that in our society there is no special being and that everybody is equal citizen in our society where the people become masters of the country and if there is difference, that is difference of social assignment and duty.
He further said that “some people in authority” try to ask for privilege and special treatment. This is infringement upon the people’s interests and behavior to part the people from the Party. And he said to fight against the phenomena of wielding power.
The Korean officials actively strive to learn after the boundless modesty of leader Kim Jong Il.
They keep as their motto of life the slogan “We serve the people!” set forth by leader Kim Jong Il, and share bitters and sweets with the people without the slig
Everywhere in the DPRK, we can see such true servants of the people who always put the people’s interests on the top and devote their thinking and enthusiasm for their interests.