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Creative in Theory and Extempore in Practice

Fairly emphasizing the absolute significance of ideological, theoretical and socio-historical exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il, the loyal comrade-in-arms of President Kim Il Sung and the successor to his cause, developed and enriched different theoretical and practical problems in many of his works. He is now leading their realization.

The Juche idea is a well-arranged system of the revolutionary world outlook in modern times that enables to appreciate anew all aspects of social and human life from a new point of view and successfully solve the problems arising in the historic struggle for transforming the world in a revolutionary way.

Despite all trials and obstacles, Korean-style socialism built in the DPRK is developed successfully as it is led by Chairman Kim Jong Il and policies of the WPK and the socialist state are based on the original Juche-oriented world outlook.

I should mention that Chairman Kim Jong Il gives a direct ideological influence on the ranks of the international communist movement that suffer from vicissitudes.

He had already pointed out dangerousness of the emerge of revisionism and degeneration of ruling parties.

His profound and sagacious analysis on the cause of collapse of the socialist system after socialism collapsed in the USSR and some other countries enables many communists, who did not know what to do, to educate themselves, grasp situations correctly and build up forces, so that they can turn out to a new struggle and plan anew theory and practice, strategy and tactics.

With President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il saw that heads and representatives of political parties aspiring after socialism including communist political parties had multilateral and bilateral contacts during their stay in the DPRK in 1992 for the first time in decades.

Many heads and representatives of political parties signed the Pyongyang Declaration.

Comrade Kim Jong Il’s works such as The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism and the General Line of Our Party, Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable, Socialism Is a Science, Respecting the Forerunners of the Revolution Is a Noble Moral Obligation of Revolutionaries, etc. render big contributions to ideological and theoretical improvement of the international communist movement and the overall liberation movement.

Chairman Kim Jong Il is one of the most outstanding leaders of the world liberation movement.

(This article was published in 1996 on Russain newspaper Patriot No. 6 by Vladimir Markov, member of the Central Committee of “Communists’ League” Party of Russia.)