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Give Prominence to and Love Young People to Maximum!

One day in June 1963 an official who was in charge of youth work made a request to Chairman Kim Jong Il that he wanted to know his view on young people.

Saying that youth problem is an urgent one of the revolution and at the same time a prospective one of the revolution, Kim Jong Il clarified that the preceding classics failed to treat the youth problem as an independent subject in the matter related to the revolutionary forces and they merely saw that the awakened young intellectuals played the role of bridging the revolution and the masses. He clarified that it was President Kim Il Sung who approached the youth problem with a fresh point of view for the first time in history and put them forward as a main force of the revolution.

Kim Jong Il said that it was necessary to give prominence to the young people and spare nothing for them, by emphasizing that Give prominence to and love young people to maximum! is the most correct attitude and stand toward the young people.