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On October 5, 1947, President Kim Il Sung came to a temporary school building in Kanni to see students of the School for Bereaved Families of Revolutionaries.

It was Sunday and the students had a sports game at the school.

Seeing the students playing football on the playground, Kim Il Sung told officials the shortcomings made in their work as they were beginners in educating bereaved children by saying that it is necessary to study deeply the students’ living so that they can educate them in conformity with their individual characteristics and organize their living in keeping with their features.

Tasting drinking water brought for the students, Kim Il Sung told them with earnest that it was necessary to serve them boiled water. Kim Il Sung added that the officials should get used to providing them with boiled water even though it might be OK when they ran with sweat while taking exercises.

After the sports game, he told the principal of the school that the students should be brought up well as they were pillars of a new Korea.