Revolution Is Immediately Faith and Faith Is Precisely Revolution

One day in June 2006 Chairman Kim Jong Il told officials to strengthen the education in revolutionary faith among the Party members and working people.

Saying that faith in victory of the revolution is life and soul for the revolutionaries, the Chairman stressed that it was impossible to overcome severe trials of the revolution and win victory if one had not revolutionary faith.

Adding that the great Korean revolution started, advances and emerges victorious by dint of faith, the Chairman said that the revolution is made not by words or speeches but by faith and that revolution is immediately faith and faith is precisely revolution.

He said that those who have hope for the future and live and struggle for the bright future can become the ones strong in faith and the victors in the revolution. The Chairman said that if they struggled with faith in sure victory as the anti-Japanese fighters had done, they could hasten the day of victory in the Songun revolution, the Songun politics.