It was when the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Fatherland Liberation War Historic Site that was wonderfully refurbished into a sacred place of the victorious war.

Looking round several places of the site, Kim Jong Un said that it was well built as a treasure of the nation. He said that, with the area of the historic site built perfectly into a comprehensive base of education, it was possible to demonstrate the will of service personnel and people of the DPRK to convey forever the President’s Juche-oriented military ideas and his revolutionary exploits achieved in the struggle against imperialism and to be ever-victorious by inheriting the victorious traditions of the preceding generations.

Kim Jong Un said that the President made immortal achievements in histories of the Korean and world revolution by leading the war to victory. He emphasized that the relics and materials of the historic site are eternal treasures of the Korean revolution that can be neither erased nor forgotten as they prove that the service personnel and people, who are led by a great leader, win a sure victory and that a leader plays an important role in the revolutionary struggle.