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Into Regular Revolutionary Armed Forces Prepared Politically and Ideologically

President Kim Il Sung put primary efforts to the political and ideological education, the main link in building up the People’s Army into the army of the Party.The President decided correct contents of the political and ideological education, so that they could arm service personnel of the KPA firmly with the Party lines and policies, intensify education in revolutionary traditions and enhance class consciousness among them and educate them in the spirit of loving the country and people with fervour. The President also provided systems and means and saw that the political and ideological education was made in various forms and methods, an agency of newspaper Joson Inmingun and the Korean People’s Army Publishing House established and the Korean People’s Army Song and Dance Ensemble and other specialized art troupes formed, thus providing the service personnel with powerful weapons for the ideological education. The President also took measures to build a good base for the ideological education and conduct it briskly with it as a centre.

Thanks to the President’s wise leadership, the Korean People’s Army was prepared politically and ideologically, thereby demonstrating their politico-ideological might in the Fatherland Liberation War, the postwar rehabilitation and reconstruction and the socialist construction.