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In July of a year the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum.

Looking round several parts of the museum, Kim Jong Un said meaningfully that the museum is not only a centre for the anti-US education but the one and only education base that shows the victorious history and tradition of the DPRK people who defeated two imperialist forces for the first time in the world.

Kim Jong Un said that it was necessary for the field of revolutionary relics to find out every possible material of revolutionary activities made by President Kim Il Sung in the war period. He also explained them many stories associated with the exhibited materials and relics.

Having looked round every corner of the museum for a long time, Kim Jong Un told officials that mission and role of the museum are important in enabling the service personnel and people to defend immortal exploits achieved by the President in leading the war to victory and to inherit fighting spirit of the elder generations, adding that it is not only a creditable centre for ideological education that arms the soldiers and people, youth and students with army-building exploits and outstanding ideas of military strategy of the President and with experiences gained in the war but a centre for educating the tradition of victory.