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Past 10 odd years are a period when bonds of kinship between the Workers’ Party of Korea and the DPRK people became closer and more sublimed. In those years the WPK always gave top priority to dignity and interests of the people and covered ceaseless journey of selfless, devoted service for them. The DPRK people are convinced that the Party policies are a science, truth and victory and that they cannot live even a moment apart from the WPK in the vigorous struggle to open up a broad avenue for victory of socialism under the leadership of the WPK.

Thanks to the outstanding leadership and principled struggle of the WPK which takes responsible care of the destiny, life and future of the people, wreck of a war was removed, reliable strength for peace provided and the dignity, rights and security of the people defended reliably.

The WPK demonstrates its dignity of a motherly party which serves the people, an invincible party which forms a single-minded whole with them because the people-first idea of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is thoroughly applied in the overall Party work.

Nothing should be spared for the people and the people should be held just as the great leaders are done. This is the steadfast political creed of Kim Jong Un. His noble view of the people is run through policies of the WPK and its activities.

The WPK plans and designs all problems arising in the revolution and construction in accordance with interests of the people as intended by Kim Jong Un and always goes among the people to work in keeping with their minds and feelings. The DPRK people’s absolute trust in the Party is a manifestation of boundless reverence for Kim Jong Un who gives top priority to them and devotes himself to them.