In his speech made at the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the Pyongyang General Hospital, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that in recent years, modern ophthalmic, dental and other special hospitals and children’s hospital had been built in Pyongyang, but they were only grains of sand in a mountain when compared to the lofty ideals and ambitions of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

When he visited a general-service ship Mujigae to be used by the people on the Taedong River, Kim Jong Un said that the ship was as same as a grain of sand as compared with undertakings to be done by the Party for the people and, therefore, it was necessary to gather such grains of sand so that they could make a big mountain with them.

It shows steady will of Kim Jong Un who intends to give the people bigger happiness though he has made devoted efforts for their good day and night, but compares his huge services rendered for the good of the people to a grain of sand.