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Why Neither Demonstrations Nor Strikes against Party Take Place in DPRK?

President Kim Il Sung met a delegation of the Revolutionary Party of Tanzania and had a talk with them one day in April 1988.

In the talk the President said that strengthening the party requires the firm unity and cohesion of the whole party, centring on the leader. He said in order to strengthen the party, party organizations must be built soundly and enhance their role and it was important to set up a proper system of educating its members.

The President said that the parties of some socialist countries were neglecting ideological education for their cadres, party members and other working people and consequently, those parties failed to strike root deep among the people, who to stage demonstrations and on strike against their parties.

The President continued to say that neither demonstrations nor strikes against the Party took place in the DPRK; such disturbances would never occur in future either, because the Workers’ Party of Korea was rooted deep among the people, fought for the interests of the people and enjoyed their unqualified support.