The Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea adopted decisions several times out of the unanimous desire of all people who wished President Kim Il Sung to have rest as he worked hard without relaxing even some time. But the decisions were not implemented.

Also in September 1973 the Political Committee of the Party Central Committee adopted a decision to get the President to have holiday for a month.

However, the President gave field guidance to a farm from the first day of the holiday.

An official earnestly asked the President to have rest. But the President requested the official to understand him by saying that he cannot enjoy holiday as he has too many things to do.

On the eighth day of his holiday when he returned from field guidance late in the evening, the President urged officials not to continue the holiday but to go back to Pyongyang. He said that enjoying holiday for him meant nothing but staying with workers and farmers to have a talk with them and settle their difficulties. He said it was relaxation for him to see them happy.