President Kim Il Sung and Impressions of Foreign Delegation

Once President Kim Il Sung was examining documents deep into the night. An official, out of desire for making the President rest from his work even a night, presented the President with the impressions of a foreign delegation on a visit to the DPRK.

The impressions were as follows:

“Frankly speaking, we, the government officials, hardly ever meet the head of our state as he attends national events once or twice a year and stays away at his rest place most of his time.

It is our ideas that President Kim Il Sung should naturally do his work while taking rest in view of both his exploits he performed and age.”

Reading the impressions, the President said with a smile on his face that he had no idea how their head of state worked but he couldn’t do as the latter did.

The official earnestly said to the President that the night was far advanced.

But the President told the official that he didn’t feel tired as he used to sleep few hours since he was fighting in the mountains and he fell into the habit of doing so. Saying he has a lot of work to do, the President stayed up all night working.