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More Powerful Than Thousands or Tens of Thousands of Tons of Bomb

One day in the second year of the Fatherland Liberation War a military officer who had received a special mission from President Kim Il Sung was going by car from the front to the rear.

The officer kept in his mind Kim Il Sung’s intention to inform the soldiers in the front of the news that their parents, wives and children were fine in the rear and they worked hard to do wartime production, support the front and defend their home villages.

Kim Il Sung saw that the officer went to the home villages by car and received letters from those in the rear.

Those in the rear were moved by Kim Il Sung’s benevolent intention to give the news of them at home to those in the front. Requesting them to win victory, they wrote letters to their fathers and brothers in the front.

A few days later Kim Il Sung was very pleased to hear that the military officer arrived at the Supreme Headquarters and he brought over 50 000 letters. Kim Il Sung took a measure to send the letters to the front immediately, adding that the letters are more powerful than thousands or tens of thousands of tons of bomb.

Encouraged by the letters from the rear, the soldiers fought more bravely to defeat the enemy in battlefields.