Underground Theatre, Symbol of Optimism

One day in the midst of the Fatherland Liberation War President Kim Il Sung said that it was necessary to build an underground theatre on Moran Hill.

Kim Il Sung said that if an underground theatre was built, the people could enjoy dramas or films even in the war period living in an optimistic way with confidence in victory.

Officials’ hearts leaped up at the thought that Kim Il Sung was, indeed, a person of gut who was optimistic of the future as he planned to stage songs and dances at a time when they were fighting a life-and-death battle against the US imperialists who boasted themselves of being the “strongest” in the world.

That day Kim Il Sung said that various ways had been resorted even in the arduous period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle to educate the people in the guerrilla bases and organize and mobilize them to the struggle against the Japanese imperialists. He elucidated in detail the tasks arising in the building of the theatre.