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Once the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang Catfish Farm which was turned into a model, a standard farm in fish farming sector.

Looking round room for education in the revolutionary history and room dedicated to the history of the farm, Kim Jong Un deeply looked back upon the history of the farm which was built on the initiative of Chairman Kim Jong Il and developed under his care and leadership.

Noting that the farm is one of those to which the Chairman paid deep attention, Kim Jong Un said that he felt heartsick when he recalled the Chairman who had devoted his all to the improvement of the people’s living standard until the last period of his life.

Kim Jong Un said that officials and employees of the farm should always think of the Chairman who devoted his whole life to the good of the people and make dynamic efforts to put their production on a high and normal basis. Kim Jong Un continued that they should have an extraordinary readiness and responsibility to implement the Chairman’s behests without any conditions instead of calculating whether they can be done or not and keep it in mind that everything the Chairman told to do is the truth and guarantee of all successes.