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Party’s Leadership over Revolution and Construction Is Political Leadership

Chairman Kim Jong Il clarified that party’s leadership over revolution and construction should be a political leadership.

That a party leads revolution and construction politically means that it guides the revolution and construction by means of policies and by conducting political work to move the people.

Party’s political leadership over revolution and construction is a political guidance.

That a party guides the revolution and construction by means of policies means that it maps out correct lines and policies that reflect the people’s will and demand and controls and leads the revolution and construction so that they can be carried out in line with its lines and policies.

Party’s political leadership over revolution and construction is a guidance made by conducting political work.

That a party guides the revolution and construction by conducting political work means that it enlists mental strength and creative activity of the people, the masters of the revolution and construction, so as to organize and mobilize them to the implementation of its lines and policies.