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In September of one year, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un bestowed great favours of inviting teachers who volunteered to work at branch schools on islands and schools in forefront areas and mountain villages to Pyongyang so as to make them blessed by all people of the country.

During significant days they spent under the care of Kim Jong Un, they had the honor of having a photo taken with Kim Jong Un, whom they yearned for even in dreams, against the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.

They could not fathom the intention of Kim Jong Un who, though busy with the state affairs, wanted them to stand in the limelight as they devoted themselves to the rising generation.

Kim Jong Un said that it was necessary to introduce and give wide publicity to them so as to make the whole country follow their view on life by adding that the teachers, who volunteered to devote their all to the rising generation at branch schools on islands and schools in forefront areas and mountain villages, are all patriots.