One day in September 1943, President Kim Il Sung gave a commanding officer of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army an assignment to draw a large map of Korea.
Thereafter, Kim Il Sung ordered political cadres and political instructors of the KPRA to gather in a lecture room beside the headquarters.
All the attendants shouted for joy when they entered the lecture room. It was because the map of Korea was hung on the front wall of the room.
Kim Il Sung emphasized that they should have a good knowledge of Korea, pointing out a few immediate tasks for greeting the great event of the national liberation.
Kim Il Sung said that in order to carry the responsibility for the Korean revolution it was important to be well versed in history and geography of the homeland and be well informed of its brilliant cultural tradition. He continued that a good knowledge of history, geography, the economy and culture of Korea was essential for them to carry out the revolution independently and creatively in conformity with the specific situation in Korea.