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The important economic policy underlined at present by the Workers’ Party of Korea is to ensure the growth of production and capacity of industry, the pivot of national economy, and make the construction revolution more dynamically so as to put the overall state economy on a stable and developing track and refurbish the country in a far-sighted way.

The economic policy is to build and give priority to key industry, the basis and pillar of independent economy, and enable the sectors of metal and chemical industry, the core industry in the national economy, to implement the production plan with sure while fulfilling the plan for readjustment and reinforcement so as to build a powerful motive force and potentialities for development. The economic policy is also to make the construction revolution more dynamically in order to channel preferential efforts into major projects for the people’s wellbeing and simultaneously push ahead with industrial construction for the consolidation of economic foundations and land development, thus building in a near future a socialist paradise which is beautiful and good to live in.