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Achievements Made in Economic Construction and Cultural Construction in 2022

The 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea reviewed achievements made in the economic construction and the cultural construction in 2022.

Splendid successes were made in the construction of the Hwasong and Ryonpho areas, which were the most important tasks in the field of construction. Projects of weighty significance in the economic growth and the improvement of the people’s livelihood including Orangchon Power Station, Taesongsan Ice Cream Factory and the regional-industry factories built in Kimhwa County as a model of modernization of local industry were completed.

The drive for implementing the new programme for rural revolution put forward by the Party started dynamically and many model houses, that represent the new era of rural development, were built for farmers and thus they enjoy happiness of moving into new houses in cities and countries across the country.

Brisk was the effort to improve the economic management and raise the country’s ability to cope with crisis and the country’s level of civilization.

Stressing that 2022 was a time which was by no means meaningless and the DPRK has made clear advance, the plenary meeting declared that certain successes made in all the work of the Party and the state were a praiseworthy victory won only by the great DPRK people who displayed the spirit of self-reliance and fortitude and the creativity while stoutly enduring the grave national crisis, and the immortal feats to remain in the history of the country forever.