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The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un advanced an idea that construction is an important part of political work in the historic letter Let Us Launch a New Revolution in Construction to Lead the Way in the Development of Our Own Style of Socialist Civilization sent to those attending the Second Grand Short Course of Officials in the Construction Sector on February 8, 2022.

Noting that construction is an important part of political work, Kim Jong Un said that, by making it possible for people to feel the benevolence of the WPK’s people-first politics and of the DPRK’s socialist system at first hand, and by encouraging among them an intuitive understanding of the criteria of creation the Party is aspiring to and the beautiful future, construction leads them to the civilization of a new era and inspires every one of them to devote themselves to the socialist patriotic cause, filled with pride in being the citizens of a great state and confidence in a better tomorrow.

Kim Jong Un said that, in this sense, the current revolution in construction can be defined as a worthwhile undertaking to create priceless assets for the country and, at the same time, a process of ideological education and cultural revolution for enlightening people and driving them forward towards a bright future.